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Hearings Program

USBR/DWR – Consolidated Place of Use Petition Hearing

The State Water Board held a hearing to receive evidence relevant to determining whether to the approve California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and United States Bureau of Reclamation's (USBR) petition to consolidate the authorized place of use of the USBR’s permits and license to include the State Water Project (SWP) authorized place of use downstream of the Barker Slough and Harvey Banks Pumping Plants, and the DWR permits to include the Central Valley Project (CVP) and Friant authorized places of use downstream of the confluence of the Sacramento and Feather Rivers. The hearing will provide an opportunity for the petitioner, interested parties, and any protestants to the petition to introduce evidence relevant to the State Water Board’s consideration of the petitions.


(Updated 2/14/13)


